Huda Kattan, the founder of Huda Beauty, recently posted an article titled “Why Your Vagina Gets Dark And How To Lighten It.”
DIY means ‘Do It Yourself’.
Here is a few from the post;
Does lemon juice, yogurt, coconut oil or egg white work to lighten your vagina?
“DIY options are really very limited for lightening. Lemon juice is one of the better options but really not a good one because I don’t think it will do very much. The idea behind yogurt is that it has lactic acid in, which is a mild exfoliant, but again not in a high enough concentration to make a difference to skin pigment. Egg white won’t do anything but may be helpful as a thickening agent, so the other ingredients don’t run all over the place. Coconut oil is fine to be used, it contains fatty acids and vitamin E that can brighten skin, but it would take years to see results.”
What can you do to lighten the color down there?
It’s easier to avoid the hyperpigmentation
(darkening) than it is to treat it, so here are some ideas of how you can improve it:
- Reach your ideal weight: Excess weight can lead to friction, which can cause darkening.
- Treat infections early: If you’re prone to yeast infections, that can lead to itching which causes rubbing, and therefore leads to darkening.
- Moisturize: Using a good moisturizer will help keep the skin healthy and optimized, which reduces darkening. Coconut oil is fine to use for this purpose.
- See your dermatologist: Your derm can prescribe a prescription brightening cream or chemical peel – two ingredients that work really well are hydroquinone and tranexamic acid. They can be used once or twice a day and may help any DIY treatments work better. Coconut oil as a moisturizer will help gradually over time.
While the post was no doubt well-intended, Huda has a huge social media following - and it didn’t go down well with many of her fans.
One wrote on Twitter: “It’s seriously pissess me off when people like huda beauty can be successful and have a huge platform to influence young girls and she writes articles about 'how to lighten your vagina with lemon juice'.
Another said: “Honest to god, women like that need a slap. no wonder young girls are insecure."
Huda later updated the article, adding: "We appreciate and respect everyone’s opinions on this subject and want to express that we do not feel lightening your vulva (vagina/ lady parts/ VJJ,) is necessary.
"Our goal is to give details for those who may wish to, by sharing expert advice from a leading dermatologist.
"We've seen a lot of harmful DIYs on the internet, so we hope this post provides the best information on the topic and offers safe ways for people to do this, should they wish to."
Story from Mirror.co.uk
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