Minor Shoot...

Heyy People, I'm not oblivious of the fact the posts aren't frequent but I assure they would be worth it. Well, for a while I've been searching for 'a to be model' and finally I  found a volunteer who was excited about the idea. Unfortunately there wasn't enough time to put on more dresses so we had two to work with.. This isn't completely professional but it promises to be better....
My model used the opportunity to take numerous selfies so be sure to see some below.
Model: Odusami Violet
Twitter: @Violet_OD
Instagram: @violet__xx..
Pink Dress by Jane Norman UK
Milk Dress by Eve Seduire
Pink & Black bow shoe by Qq fishe.
Black shoe by Cruiser.


  1. i cant find miranda episode 6 on the blog, pls reply with the link

  2. Oh not a problem, here's the link

    You could easily use the web version and search for any episode you want.


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